PW Web View Ideas

Export Data source Wizard Detailed Report:

  1. Export Data source Wizard Detailed Report:

    • Format:

      • report viewable in a tabular Excel or CSV format?

      • Can it be edited and re-imported following updates?

      • Can we export multiple global saved searches for review?

    • Feasibility as QA Approach:

      • When we have hundreds of critical project saved searches, is it feasible to use this method as an audit checking QA approach?

    • Sample Request: Could you provide a sample of the detailed report from the “Export Datasource Wizard” for a complicated/sophisticated global saved search?

If not, what is Bentley’s recommended approach for a checker to view, compare, provide comments, and update global saved searches?

  • Guest
  • Jul 11 2024
  • Needs review
  • Attach files