PW Web View Ideas

Co-auth. warning users if owner ends the session

When doing co-authoring in Web it is possible for the owner of the co-authoring session (the first who started the session), to decide to end the session without telling it to the other participants. The owner get plenty of warnings before he ends the sessions, if other users are in the document. But it still happens that an owner ends a co-auth. session. Can we have a additional warning pop-up for remaining or other users working on the document, that the owner has closed the sessions, and that further changes they make, will not be saved. Today no warning is given, and the other participant can work for hours in the document after the owner has closed the co-auth. session, and they will not know, that there changes will be lost.

  • Guest
  • Oct 16 2023
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    26 Apr 12:28

    100% Agree, this is a HUGE risk of lost work. Once the owner ends the session, any active users should be alerted and removed from the session immediately, unable to make further markups